Friday, July 18, 2014

Wine and Raw Oysters - Yum!

There are some definite benefits to working at Balaban's.
Take yesterday, for example.
A customer here gets a dozen oysters for lunch.
Rather than impulsively grab one off his plate while he's not looking, I decide instead to buy a dozen for myself for dinner that night.
So that's what I did.
And here's something that most of you don't know about me:
I'm a very good shucker!
Yep. It's all in the wrist.
I know they're not for everyone, but, for me, there is nothing like fresh raw oysters.
I taste that fresh, clean, briny deliciousness, and I feel as though I become one with the ocean. And my wife, Judy, likes them even better than I do!
The right wine takes the experience to a whole new level.
For the past 18 years, Taylor Shellfish Farms in Shelton WA has been hosting The Pacific Coast Oyster Wine Competition. Last year, the judges were asked what they wanted from their oyster wines.
Here are some of their responses:
"Refreshing", "Brisk and clean", "No vanilla or butter", "Light and fresh", "Steely", "Crisp and flinty", "Minerally".
I'll go along with all that.
Unfortunately, there aren't too many places in St. Louis where I trust the quality of the raw oysters. Balaban's, of course, is one. Two others that come to mind are Annie Gunns and Demun Oyster Bar. I'm sure there are more places too. 
So, what wines with oysters - raw oysters?
Pinot Gris or Pinot Grigio, unoaked Chardonnay, like Chablis, French Sauvignon Blanc, like Sancerre, Chenin Blanc, Muscadet and Champagne or other dry sparkling wine.

Have a great weekend!


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